Whooping couph booster


The situation is that all my friends who are close understand and agree to get whooping couph boosters before my daughter comes but try nd explain that it's a different time to what is was 30+years ago and even 9years ago when whooping couph was not offeres to parents or mothers of new borns or immediate family but since the recent outbreaks of whooping couph running rampant in my area i have asked a couple of family members who live above us to get boosters and they flat out said no so i am going to say to them in a couple of weeks after the agument this moring that if you dont get boosters don't come to the hospital or have anything to do with baby untill her second shot of boosters which 4mth how can a gradfather be so stupid that means he has no interactions with his granddaughter for 4ths he will not have a hold of her or anything do you think im being unreasonable oh and let me say this they attacked me about changing my stance on vacinations if i was anti vax my son would not of being vacinated at all on top of that i feel that the last time they got any kind of vacinations was between early 50's to 1988 my farther in law said i was in the army and they vacinated against everything and i said when was that and do u actually think in the last 30 years u would still be covered i think not

Sorry its so long just annoyed at old cranky people