Hi! I'm back :)

Hi girls! Hope everyone has been doing well. I've definitely missed being on here. 
During my little break I stopped basically doing everything TTC wise. Didn't temp, take OPKs, track really anything. I have to admit, the fertile week part was a lot easier and less pressure. The first week of the TWW was a breeze. Now all of a sudden it started to get to me. I tested today. No idea what DPO I am. Could be 8..7...6. No idea. I guess being off all the apps doesn't help the TWW for me. I'm definitely still thinking about it daily. So I figured I'd come back. Atleast I wouldn't be alone. 
I hate all these symptoms I'm having. I hate that I think I've seen a line when I'm sure there isn't one. But I'm glad that I'm somewhere that understands these struggles!
xoxo, Jessa