Kinsley Anne born 1-18 at 41wks


At 40+6 wks was scheduled to be induced Sunday night I checked in about 4pm and had my little girl at 4am. Was in active labor for only about 30mins. When I checked in I was still at a 1cm had cervidale inserted and that was like death bcuz I screamed and cried and hollered. It fell out after 4hrs had steady contractions a min apart I begged to not get another one. But they thought they had to so I was.checked. again and was at 2cm, and 2hrs after the most horrible contractions it fell out, I kept telling them I'm in pain and they wouldn't give me much but something that made me.feel.drunk.for about 30mins. fell out I was in active hard labor, at 6cm I begged for the epidural, and by the time.they at about 2am I was a 9cm only a little numb I told them. While they were putting the epi in I felt like I I got a little numb). I was only tingly numb when I felt something come out, well it was my bag, not broken or anything just Decided it wanted out. Then couple times of pushing I'd say 5 sets of 4pushes. I was glad to be numb just in time, the contractions hurt so badly I just wanted to jump out of bed and stabb everyone until it stoped. Lol

My baby girl Kinsley Anne Lacey born 1-18-16 7lbs 11oz 20.5 inches. Head full of hair. Had 1 degree tear and the hemoraids suck! All the gushing of blood after wards not very pleasnt.always feelimg like u have swamp(sweaty manly) ass. She had the cord around her neck 2x but she's good. Didnt cry much. My worst experience with it all would of been the IV must of been the nurses first time doing it, the cervidale being put in and man the contractions it gave me, and no one believing that I was in so much pain I barely made it in time to have it. And of course the epi wearing off after birth I wish I could of been numb longer lol

Sry if this is hard to read really tired and on some pain meds