Irregular cycles: help a girl out

So we went to a fertility doctor today after TTC since June 2014. I have had irregular cycles since May 2015, when we miscarried twins at 9 weeks. Now before you go all haywire on me about getting pregnant initially, I need to pose a question to the group. Have you ever heard of/or been told by your doctor your uterus is upside down?!! My doctor told me it's upside down and can cause more painful periods (which isn't anymore than normal cramps for me). Also my ovaries are literally to the extreme posterior of my body. Like who even makes this stuff up? To makes things more concerning, she said I'm not ovulating regularly which makes conceiving even that much more of a moving target. I left with papers that diagnose me with polycystic ovarian syndrome since they noticed small cysts on both ovaries and a concern for a thyroid issue. Has this every happen to you? What helped you regulate your cycles (either after miscarriage or general cycle problems)? Did getting on a fertility drug help you in ovulating again regularly?