Hey ladies. Help please.

Shorty • TTC for many years.. Been with Hubby 11 years and Married for 6 years♡

Hi Ladies, Just wondering if any of you all could help.

Last Cycle was very very light (spotting to mod)compared to previous/normalish cycles of (mod-very heavy is normal for me)

Im on cycle day 23 now and ive just been feeling very very strange if you know what i mean...

*Migraine from sun-mon just which i never get

* feeling the heat really bad at the moment

* slightly light-headed/nauseous

* a bit dizzy

* nasty indigestion/ heatburn

* travel sickness which ive never gotten without reason..

*drinking more water and not liking my iced coffees as much at all (1 per day is all i have)

Ive not done a test yet but seriously thinking about it due to above.

In 2 of my past pregnancies they were not discovered till after 7 weeks (1st ectopic was 8 weeks along before i got a positive and had normal "af")

Would you say any of these could possibly be pregnancy or just the heat getting to me worse then ever before?

Ive attached this months chart and cycles chart also. ( this app doesnt predict ovulation or AF correctly its mainly for tracking etc for me to know when ive had af, dtd, etc )