Hey everyone! I need some advice

Mary • Mommy to Finnegan, Aelish, Mairead 👶🏻🍼 Nurse 💉💊 Happy 😊
Okay so I'm about 7w1day pregnant. And I'm not cramping or anything. During the whole pregnancy so far, I've had light intermittent cramps. Yesterday came and I started cramping lightly during class. I didn't think anything of it. Well all of a sudden I felt like a gush of blood come out. I panicked left school and had my husband drive me to the er. I bleed heavy for a few hours and I thought for sure I lost the baby. The doctors told me that my cervix was closed still and I'm still pregnant. What was causing the bleeding was a subchorionic hematoma/threatened miscarriage. Well the bleeding slowed down by the time I got home now I'm just having brown discharge. I just want someone to tell me don't worry it's going to be okay. This is my first pregnancy and I guess it just scared me. Anyone else go through that?