Solid foods

Des • Oliver Jackson DeSimone💚
At 7 months old what do you feed your babies besides regular jars of baby food? Also how many times a day do they eat it? I'm still breastfeeding for main nutrition, just giving snacks as well as he loves to eat! 
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He loves suckin on a pickle and it's really good for teething


Lasheay • Mar 2, 2016
Your welcome ❤️


Des • Feb 5, 2016
So cute! Thanks for the tip :)


Lindsey • Jan 23, 2016
That is hilarious!!!! 😂😂love it


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I use this website. It was really good ideas and recipes


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Sweet potatoes, avacado, oatmeal, and bananas 


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@Lasheay after seeing your comment I had to try it! And he loves it 😍☺️


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I give my son zwieback or biscotti 😁 he loves it! Makes a total mess but oh well.. 


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We have started a few weeks ago Cheerios. I have also started to try and give him things that we eat. Like if we are having chicken I give him tiny pieces of it. But have found that Cheerios has been the best way to teach the concept of picking up food and eating.


Rebecca • Jan 23, 2016
Also, we are still just eating dinner. I start with the Cheerios which keep him busy while I get his other food ready and sippy cup.


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They can eat anything you eat with the exception of honey. My lo has tried all sorts of fruits, veggies, toast, muffins, meats, eggs, etc... she loves spinach and banana muffins I make...or egg/banana pancakes. She loved noodles and chicken too... she doesn't eat very much...only about 2oz somedays up to 4 oz ...she's still breastfed every 3 hours or so.


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I make all my sons baby food. He's mainly breast fed so food is just for fun. We've tried sweet potatoes, butternut squash, peas, avacado, carrots, apple, and banana. This week we also tried the gerber puffs so he can practice picking up food. We serve him about 1-2 oz once to twice a day. I'm hoping to breastfeed for a year, so we are just having fun with food, not expecting him to eat a whole meal or get nuritment from it. 


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I've been giving my 7 month old homemade sweet potato, carrots, green beans, peas, avocado, butternut squash, puréed chicken, apples, bananas, and oatmeal. Nothing too adventurous yet but thinking about trying whole milk yogurt, wheat toast, and some finger foods soon