Feeling guilty about procedures for newborn.

Brook • First time mommy!

My son has to get his tongue clipped today, (he's just a week old) and I'm terrified. I'm so sad and scared for him. I know it's best for him. Not only for more efficient breastfeeding, but for later on in life. But I still can't help feeling the way I do. Then, in a week or two, we're getting him circumcised. More pain for him. Ugh. He also has to get an ultrasound for something in his back. When he was born, he had a meconium plug so he had to get an enema. Geez, my baby is so young and has gone through so much already. Breaks my heart, but I know it's necessary. Just going to stay strong for him today. I hate this :'(


Tongue clipping went great! Less than a minute and he was asleep in his carseat the whole time!! Breastfeeding is going a lot better now :)

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Just remember that they won't remember any of this!!! The most significant part of the baby's life is that his or her mother was there for them. My baby girl had trouble breastfeeding and had a lip and tongue tie. I made the tough decision to have both repaired via laser, because she was having such trouble feeding. It was awful during the procedure, but I'm so glad we did it. Now she nurses like a champ. We took her to doctors appointments for jaundice checks, the chiropractor, and the dentist to treat all of this stuff. It does get easier momma, hang in there and just concentrate on loving your baby!


Jamie • Jan 23, 2016
I agree... It's truly is harder on us than them. Focus on being there to shower babe with unconditional love💕


Posted at
The circumcision isn't necessary though. Maybe reconsider that and give his little body a break to heal and grow.


Jennifer • Jan 21, 2016
Why is it necessary ?


VH • Jan 21, 2016
What I mean is it's not normally necessary. I should have been more clear


Ann • Jan 21, 2016
It is necessary in some cases. My sons was, if not he would have had a curved penis and it would be painful to correct when he was older so I circumcised him to prevent later pain.


Posted at
You are not alone. My daughter got series of x-rays as soon as she was born to rule out gastrointestinal issues. Simple blood drawing makes me feel sad. So, just remember benefits outweigh the risks. 


Posted at
Poor guy. If it makes you feel any better when we did my sons circ he was only pissed for the time we were at the dr. He seemed a little uncomfortable when we took the gauze off but I think it was more stressful for me. And like another poster said-they won't remember a thing. I hate seeing him in pain too,I go next week for our first shots and I'm stressing. Try to stay calm though,it's really what's best for him. 


Posted at
Had to do that as well. I cried he cried and then he was fine. It's hard to watch but will be ok. It doesn't bother them for long


Katie • Jan 21, 2016
My doctor suggested I give him a bottle. I tried to BF but I was dry unfortunately


Brook • Jan 21, 2016
I'm supposed to breastfeed immediately after, I hope he's not in pain :(


Posted at
We don't like to see our little ones in pain, but think of it this way: he is so young, he won't remember a thing and you may be saving him from a painful procedure later in life (I know nothing about tongue tied, but you mentioned it may be problematic as he gets older). Babies and little kids tend to heal a lot faster than adults because their bodies are growing and changing so quickly already. 


Brook • Jan 21, 2016
No nerve endings in the frendulum, that is.


Brook • Jan 21, 2016
The doc said they have no nerve endings yet at this age so it won't hurt. His father, my hubby, is also tongue tied. He speaks fine, but he can't stick his tongue out. I'm just glad it'll help with his feedings, for both of us. I have cracked, bloody nipples cuz he can't suck right.