Mixed Emotions

Well my husband and I are expecting our first baby after 2 years of trying( we got pregnant in October thanks to fertility clinic) and the doctor thinks that it's a girl. My husband has a daughter and a son from his 1st marriage so this is technically his 3rd baby and anytime I try to show him things I have found that I like for our baby he reminds me he has seen it all before with his ex wife. And at this point I am feeling he doesn't want this baby like I do. I tried talking it out with him but I am supposed to just accept the fact that he has done before so it is not a big deal. I'm not sure what to do or say anymore. I just wanna cry about it cause he is the one who pushed for us to keep trying and go to fertility doctor in order to get pregnant and now my baby and I are not good enough for him to even pretend to be excited. Please help