Anyone had a similar experience???

So this cycle I am having a crazy period. It started a week ago with a little spotting which is weird because I have never experienced spotting before a period. 2 days of light spotting then 2 days of nothing and now on the 4th day of spotting again this time a little heavier than before but still not enough for a tampon and only enough for a panty liner. What in the world?!?? Had anyone experienced this? Should I go see a doctor? What could this mean?
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I know I ovulated because I got EWCM and a very dark positive OPK. I have had cysts in the past though.


Posted at
Yes me and I did go see a dr. Turns out I have a very large cyst on my left ovary. My body tried to ovulate from that side and couldn't so the period I got wasn't even really a period at all. Good news is that I just ovulated from my right side yesterday.