Does this count?

This was taken within the timelimit with fmu. My cycles are all wonky so I don't know when AF is due. My last cycle was only 12 days total! The cycle before that was 32. This should be a short cycle because I got a + opk CD8 right after my period ended, but nothing's happened since. I keep taking OPKs just in case and there's no second line at all. I'm on CD 20. Sorry for the terrible photo quality. Opinions and tweaks would be appreciated!

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Posted at
Bad photo too blurry


Posted at
need a better photo, take it in a well lit area and put a bobby pin, ring, peg etc next to the test to help your camera focus. post a new pic and I'll comment!


Posted at
This is OP and this is as clear as I can get the photo! I still see something but I think it's an indent :( it looked like there was color in person at the time...I've take a few test previously, and all have this but this one is the most noticeable yet...I will keep  testing till AF shows. What brand does everyone recommend? 


Brit • Jan 22, 2016
No, the spot you have marked is way to close to the control line. It would be the the left some more. Dye run.


Posted at
You literally can't even tell with the quality and lighting of the pic,