
Okay so I am on day 22 of my cycle but my cycle is about 36 days, sometimes even up to 40, so my period isn't due for 2 weeks.
I had sex on the 11th, we used a condom and it didn't break or slip (did the water test) and he pulled out WELL before finishing (finished him with head so I know for a fact)
I also had an ovarian cyst this month on the 6th and I bled for a few days from it. 
According to the app (and I can tell from my cm) today is my ovulation day. I'm freaking out because I'm spotting. I've had a couple ovulation times where I've had a speck or so of blood but I'm spotting more this time than I was last time and I'm terrified it could be implantation!!! Help please! I'm 18 by the way.