Husbands being assholes..

So my husband and I had an argument over losing the house keys.. Backstory is, in 2014, we separated for a year. (January-November) I was with a guy and 6 months into the relationship, I got pregnant. He wanted nothing to do with the baby. November rolled around and my husband and I got back together, worked things out, and moved to a new place to start fresh. My youngest son was born in march, we moved in may 2015. I'm currently 23+4 with OUR daughter and everytime we have an argument, he brings up my past with my 10 month olds sperm donor..
While separated, he was sleeping with 5 other girls, caught chlamydia, gave it to me while pregnant and I had to be the one go to the doctor and feel as low as dirt when she tested me and told me the results.. 
I don't know what else to do.. I do everything I can for him and our kids but nothing seems good enough. He gets in my face and calls me bitches and whores, says that I'm at fault for everything and never takes responsibility. We lost 3 babies in 2012 and 2013. During those times, he would tell me I was a terrible mother and didn't deserve my kids which was why I lost them.. I'm not allowed to have a license. He starts an argument everytime I mention it. I'm not allowed to see my family. It's a bitch and gripe if I ask to go visit. I have no friends and am always stuck here at home by myself with the kids.. I live like a hobbit with 2 boys. I cook, I clean, I do laundry, make sure the boys are bathed and fed. What am I doing so wrong???