Heartbroken and needing positive vibes

Abby • Wife & Boy Mom
Today was our first dr visit with this pregnancy. Everything seemed to be checking out just fine until the doctor tried to do an ultrasound. I am supposed to be 10weeks on Sunday. We had to leave the doctors office and go to the hospital to have another ultrasound. After a loooong silent ultrasound, we had to wait for the doctor.. Baby's heartbeat is only 80bmp, when it should be about 160... And it's measuring about 3wks smaller at about 7weeks. The doctor said with it being that small and that weak of a heartbeat it's likely this will end in a miscarriage. This would be my first miscarriage and I'm terrified. This is my s/o 2nd one if it happens. Please send prayers or positive thoughts our way.. We go back next Friday for another ultrasound to check things. Please and thank you to all..