Different family backgrounds—anyone?

I've been in a dedicated relationship with a sweet man for the last nine months. We've been in the same page from day one— never had any major disagreements, never even gotten mad at one another, and I love his family to death. We've brought up the concept of marriage before, and it easy to imagine that happening in the future. 
   Here's the catch: he was raised in a much more liberal house than I was. My family is southern baptist, my dad is a marriage counselor specializing in recovery from Internet pornography addiction, my brother is schooling to become a pastor, and everyone is super duper insistent on waiting until marriage to have sex. 
  His parents are divorced and his mom remarried, they all use language, no one waited to have sex, they each go to church and have a relationship with the Lord, but they sure don't sit around for hours at a time discussing theology like my family does.
  I fall somewhere in the middle. Being raised the way I was, I'm much more contientious of certain things than he is, but he and I are sexually active and I don't find that to be a problem. We both use porn sparingly on our own time, and are aware of each other's use. I so so so cherish my faith, and so does my boyfriend of his own. But he feels like he has to lie about who he is to be accepted into my family, and although no one is any the wiser right now, I realize that it's only a matter of time before my family starts to question things about him, especially if we were to get engaged. They would expect premarital counseling just like they do for every couple, and a host of other deep talks and discussions with him one-on-one that would leave us both paranoid and worn out. We both love my family, but I'm left wondering what to do. If they knew even now that I'm not a virgin I have no doubt that they would ask me not to see him.
 Is it selfish to base the blending of two families on such a rocky foundation? Has anyone else dealt with something like this?