When ur losing hope........./

A lot of ppl on here don't like reading about miscarriages! It's awful to think it happens and it's a scary and anxious time when you go through one but also when you fall pregnant.
I just want to share with you my story and give some people some hope! I have suffered 2 mc one July 14 one may 15. The July one was horrid didn't know until I went to my 14 week scan and found baby had stopped growing at 5 weeks, I went on to have a natural mc but ended up collapsing and losing just over 4 and a half pint of blood then ended up in hospital and having a d and c. Turned out my other mc happened as I still had an infection from the first that hadn't been found. Ended up have a d and c then back in hospital after being out a week to have another d and c as wasn't cleared properly. I vowed then I wasn't having kids. It's heartbreaking , you don't feel womanly you blame yourself. It changed me as a person it made me stronger but more bitter but November 15 I fell pregnant after not even trying as I gave up hope. I'm now 10 weeks and seem to be cooking nicely (it's the furthest I have ever got!)😊 just when you feel ur about to give up don't! What is meant to be is meant to be! I suffered badly with anxiety but now realise that those mc have made me stronger and shown how strong my marriage is too. Don't give up on your dreams, if you want a baby just keep that vision going but don't let it overtake ur life and stress you. And when it does happen it becomes overwhelming and makes you realise and be thankful for now X I will never forget my "what ifs" but I'm looking forward to hopefully bringing this one in the world knowing how specia and lucky I am after what has been 2 really really horrid years! Don't give up ladies xx