13w4d ER visit today

Shawna • Have a 7 year old to a previous marriage... Sched repeat section on 7/22 with #2 with my husband
Yesterday, i had a headache from 5pm until this morning... I am an ER tech and worked 10a-730p- I took tylenol, had some caffeine and then tried excedrine (which is both) no relief. I could feel my pulse in my head behind my eyes it was awful. We ate dinner and then i had diarrhea. Twice. I took a shower and let the hot water hit my fave n neck for a while. Seemed to relieve it some. I took benadryl and went to sleep.  I woke up twice in night to pee- no problems. 7am i woke to pee and there was some bleeding. Orange and pink mixed. Only when i wiped. (I should say yest at work i used the u/s and SAW baby flailing about :) ) i have a dull ache of cramps in my uterus. Not painful just heavy and noticable. So we went to the ER. They did vag exam and he said cervix was closed and blood in canal but no ACTIVE bleeding... He (OB RESIDENT) Did u/s and i hadnt had any food or drink and the baby was so active they couldnt even get still enough for heart beat. However, they only tried for anout 10sec. He was happy with that and shut it down. Never looked at placenta or for bleeds etc. (this is my second child shes almost 7 and i NEVER had issues with her but a horrible c section to which my first Mirena actually fused to my svar and had to be yanked out 😫) at this point ive been laying around and its been anout 10'hours .. Still only light when i wipe and the dull ache in uterus. (Mind you i am 5'1 and 215 ive lost 13lb so far but have a c section "flap" lol) i just had my NT scan last week and measured exactly on. I am calling off work tomorrow and calling my dr and insisting on a scan to actually check out my uterus and parts. They d/c me with threatened MC but basically made me feel Like i was overreacting. He actually told me to talk to my dr about anxiety meds. I mean of course im worried!!! The ER dr left the room and said "its in gods hands"... Maybe im wrong but it just dont feel right about it all and am still reallyconcerned. Sorry for the LONG post but even my husband seems to act   like  im overreacting. Men will never understand how stressful pregnancy is! Any thoughts?