Need some advice and I have no idea what to do!

Hello im in need of some advice and I'm not really sure we're to turn. I'm 14 weeks pregnant and two weeks ago I started my new job in a nursery (they know I'm pregnant). But only two days ago I found out there was an outbreak of the slap cheek syndrome a week before in the room I was in and wasn't told, one of the girls in the room found a poster and asked if I'd seen it and I hadn't (over a week the outbreak happened). I confronted my manager who didn't seem to be bothered and seemed to have forgotten I was pregnant, and then made out it didn't affect me. I then pointed out I'm only 14 weeks and the cut off time is 20 weeks. She didn't seem too bothered and said to call my doctors if I was worried. I called the nhs line that night and was told to stay away from work until the outbreak had finished and was booked in for blood tests the next day and my past blood tests are under investigation to see if I'm immune as I've never had the virus before. I have most of the symptoms but it's hard as there the same as pregnancy symptoms, so it's a little confusing. I'm so worried about my unborn baby, me and my boyfriend lost one last year and I really can't go through that again. I feel so let down as I was not told or sent home, what should I do? I honestly don't know what I'd do if my baby is at harm, and it's all down to someone not simply telling me.