Ugly picture (embarrassed)

Joanne • 25, mommy to two little boys born on July 11th, 16 and May 2nd, 18 💙💙 Happily married July 27th, 13 💕
Please tell me I'm not the only one this has happened to. I've always had acne but it finally started clearing up once I turned 20, but once I got pregnant it came back with a vengeance! I'm so embarrassed that I seriously have to wear makeup. I have really sensitive skin so I think most products burn my face. It's mostly just on my cheeks and it really hurts, it's cystic acne too
 and I just don't know what to do anymore! I've tried the baking soda treatment and coconut oil and it's not helping. I'm 16w 5d and it's still not clearing up. Oh by the way, I'm having a boy. Please someone help me!