Feel like a bad fiancé..FYI this is long

I feel like a bad fiancé I just wanna vent and maybe get advice. I'm sure I'll get ripped apart on here but oh well, here it goes. My fiancé was a supervisor at a call center making a little over $12 an hour. He's been there for years and for awhile he was our main source of income because I could only find part time jobs. Now I have found an amazing job with great pay and benefits and we could get by just barely on my paycheck each month. When I got this job a month ago, we were both really excited that we would finally both be making over $12 an hour (that's a lot where we live btw) and would finally have some "extra" money each month to get things we need like groceries and start working on paying off debts. Then a few weeks ago, my fiancé had a really bad panic attack at his job and passed out. Ever since we've been trying to figure out what's wrong with him and so far all we can conclude is that he has bad anxiety. He's now on meds and trying to get back to normal but it's been extremely rough because he just hasn't been acting like the same person. I've been trying so hard to understand and be supportive but I don't feel like I'm doing a good job. He has recently quit his job and now is planning on working at Wendy's (fast food) and I'm extremely upset. I am a little embarrassed ONLY because he went from such a good paying reliable job to now working fast food. How is he supposed to make a career out of that? He refuses to go back to where he was or any other call center. I guess I just don't know. Maybe I'm being selfish and shallow. It's really not about him working in fast food just the fact that I feel like I don't know him anymore. This isn't the same person I've been with for 4 years and I don't know how to adjust to all of this. I don't know how to feel or what to do or say anymore because it just makes me sound like a total bitch :( :(