Birth control removal

So today I went into my appointment to have my implanon removed ( I got it put in seriously right before it became nexplanon). The 1st time I got it put in I was 17. It was put in below the skin, like it should be. The second time I got it put in (2013), the same doctor who put in the 1st one put it in way too deep and below my muscle. I asked her why this one was put in so deep, she told me that it was to protect the implant so it wouldn't bend and would be kept safe. 
Today, I had a different dr as the reg. Dr is off on Fridays. She informed me that the implant was placed way too deep but that she was going to try and get it out. She informed me that whoever did the procedure did it wrong and I told her that the original doc informed me that it was put in the right way. She apologized for the pain I was about to go through and over and over again said that the original Doctor was wrong and should have taken it out and put it back in the right way. Today's Doctor had to cut through attapost tissue and lengthen the original incision. After an hour of trying to get the implant out, she informed me that she was going to have to call a surgeon to remove it. 
The surgeon was able to remove the implant and I got my first stitches ever! Anyway, I was talking to my husband and I am adamant about suing the dr who put in my implant. 
I would like some feedback as to whether or not this has happened to anyone else and if I should follow through with filing the lawsuit. 
PS: not too sure, but would I sue for malpractice? I am also wanting to recover for emotional and physical damages and for the cost of the surgery.