So sick of my husband

Erin • Married with 2 beautiful boys & now expecting our 3rd BOY!!
I'm sooo sick of my husband being so unsupportive when it comes to potty training out 2 year old!!! Our son is doing such a good job using his potty but sometimes it's a fight even though I know he has to use the potty so I end up put him on his potty with him screaming kicking and crying. My husband says he doesn't have to pee if he's acting like that but every single time (no exadderation) I put our son on his potty, he goes. So I know what I'm doing when it comes to when our son has to use the potty. My point here is, he always wants to take the easy way out like telling me "just put a diaper on him" "Don't put him on the potty if he doesn't want to go on it" yeah, so he can go in his fucking underwear!?!? He's really pissing me off with his shit and has he even bothered to help put him on the potty or help encourage him to use his potty?? NOOO of course not ! I'm just so sick of his negativity and him not being supportive !!! Sorry for the long post but I just needed to vent. 
UPDATE: my son is willing to go and does get upset when there is pee or Poop in his diaper and he constantly tells me when he has to go so as for being ready, he definitely is. The only times he fights me is first thing in the morning and then right after nap time. Maybe I should have been a little more clear. For those of you that say it's not good that I force him, he gets excited right after he goes so I don't think what I'm doing is wrong. I have a 6 year old and he did the same thing and was potty trained at 1 1/2. And now I'm 6 months pregnant and will be doing the same for this baby when the time comes.