

I ask my boyfriend not to text and drive almost every other time we are in the car together. He doesn't care and thinks I'm being ridiculous. He thinks he's a responsible driver and texting doesn't affect his driving. Even after his own mother was sent to the hospital after getting hit by a person that was texting he continues to not care.

Today we are getting his niece to babysit her and he tells me "remind me not to text while she's in the car" ok whatever.

What do you know, he's texting while we're coming back home! I take his phone away and remind him not to. He gets annoyed and tells me I'm overreacting. So I give him back his damn phone and tell him to do whatever he wants then since he always does anyways.

I'm so annoyed, what the hell is wrong with him? Why does he think its okay to put my life and the babies life at risk???