**For everyone ttc and need hope**

Hey ladies just wanted to pass along someone who kept me going through ttc, waiting to ovulate and if course the dreaded tww. Now first off some of you may not believe and you are entitled to how. I on the other hand believe very much. Please only positive comments. Not sure if any of you ladies heard of Chrissy Rains (sunfairy chrissy - physic name ) she was in parents magazine and is on FB you can check out her page and I'll post links to her shops. Message her for pricing as I know her pricing has changed. She is the sweetest person ever you can message her on fb messenger. She's the real deal ladies but no physic is 100% but she is very accurate. She is not free her prices r $10 and up. I've gotten a few readings with her in the past not just ttc related, all very accurate. So she said I'd conceive in December cycle and I did, I also bought a bracelet from her to increase my odds in favor of a girl and conceiving. I was told I'd see pink ans purple unicorns when I conceived, guess what 2 days before my bfp what did u see pink and purple unicorns. She also told me early pregnancy symptoms that were true I was really bloated still am lol and my teeth would be sensitive to cold which they are and cravings. If anyone would like more detail or to read it or some of it parts of it are long please let me know I'd love to share. Baby dust and good luck to u ladies