Mother in law and husband


My husband and I moved from where we grew up to another state about 5 hours away a little over 4 years ago for his job. We have really started to settle here, both have good jobs, bought a house, and starting to feel at home. This year my mom retired, sold her house, and bought a house about 20 minutes away from us.

His parents have two (grown) kids still at home and both work, so they are busy with their own things. My husband only gets 2 weekends off every 2 months. We see his family as often as we can, but sometimes it is a few months between visits. I know his parents just want to see us, but they put a lot of pressure on my husband to come visit and sort of guilt him when we don't. They keep asking if we will move back. I know it makes him feel bad, he feels like he isn't a good son or he is disappointing them. I am guessing there isn't really anything I can say, but should I say anything to his mom? we really are doing our best! We always welcome them to visit us! I would appreciate any advice on how to handle it and make him feel better!