So many trolls..

●ada● • 01/07/2016. Prego. Due sometime mid October. :-) my SO is my best friend, my lover, my rock, my tank. And together, we are about go on the wonderful journey of parenthood..

So many women posting fake pics of other people, pretending to be them and asking about how beautiful they are, yet they don't even have the common sense to keep their profile on hidden when u go look at it, it shows that they pretend to be 20 other women.

So many many women on here lie..they answer one question and saying they are a doctor, u go to their profile and u find out from other questions they answered that they are also a lawyer, an IT technician, a chef, a nurse, etc..

I found one that used her real name as user name. .found her on Facebook with the same pic as here..on glow she pretends to be a lawyer giving people "free legal advice" , meanwhile on Facebook it says she's a cook at Mc donalds.

Sure, there's many real and helpful people on here. ..but also, many many they are a doctor, tomorrow the same person is a chef, the next a counselor...

This community is slowly ruined by all the fakes. ..u can't even tell who's answer u should belive when u ask a question...

Soo sad.

Meanwhile, I'll continue to do my best and answer people's questions...only what I know. .I will not answer if I don't. .I will not make myself look important..I will stay real to this community..