Cats and pregnancy.

I adopted a 7 mo kitten from a shelter in May 2014, then in October 2014 I adopted a 2 mo kitten and she was not litter trained. I tried my best to adjust the 2 cats but it was impossible! The latter was popping all over the house, even in my older kitty food and water plates, it was disgusting, they were constantly fighting and hissing at each other so I gave the kitten up for adoption in March 2015, after months of cleaning messes all over the place and being miserable. 
Now, January 2016, I just found out I'm pregnant(4w 2d), and I can't stop thinking about all the poop I've cleaned a year ago, I'm the only one who takes care of my cat, meaning I clean her litter box! My husband hates that chore he even says that the cat should have the litter box in the backyard, like what!?
 I can't stop thinking about toxoplasmosis risks! Can someone give me some personal insight? Has anyone had a positive toxoplasmosis test done?
I've read almost everything online and it's making me even crazier!
I going to make an appointment this week for primary care.