

We buried my mom yesterday. It still doesn't feel real and I honestly don't think it ever will.

She died 2 weeks after my 22nd birthday and a month after I had my son.

She came to my house to celebrate the day before my birthday and she seemed fine, then she started throwing up blood and waited to go to the hospital until the next day. She had to have 8 units of blood before she was transferred to a different hospital then needed 2 more units. She had a tear in her esophagus, which they fixed, and she spent 6 days in the ICU. My mom was released from the hospital one day after being transferred to a regular room.

She spent a week at home and talked about not feeling well and asking how to reduce swelling, then she collapsed and was rushed to the ER where she had to undergo sugery for holes in her stomach. The Dr said she most likely wouldn't make it because she was bleeding out faster than they could pump blood into her and get her patched up. She died that night. Sunday, January 24th 2016.