Squeamish Husband


I love my husband. He's awesome and the only guy for me.

That said, I'm worried about how he's going to be during labor. Obviously as a ftm I need him to be strong enough for both of us. And I wasn't worried until last night about that.

Now I'm worried about him passing out.

He's always been squeamish about medical things. I asked him once to take a wet q tip and dab a piece of dirt in my eye and he felt sick and had to lay down. And last night I asked him to hold the dog so I could shave around a mass on her neck that she's having removed today. (She has to prepped before anesthesia and can't be premeded so I was trying to diminish her stress). He told me he couldn't because it would make him sick.

Oh man. So hope he doesn't pass out. Other than that totally not worried about him being there or being a great dad.

Edit to add: my puppy did great in surgery! No heart problem this time! Yay! Soo very happy.