BFP has turned into worry

We finally got our BFP after our miscarriage in October. I have been having sharp pains on my right side which I thought was just growing pains. My doctor told me to go to hospital. I am only 4.5 weeks but on the scan they cannot see the baby and I have some fluid :( they said that it could be too early to see the baby but that it may mean it's ectopic. My bloods are 145 (I'm not sure what that means. Good or bad?) and I'm having more tomorrow morning, 48 hours later and a scan in a week or two. Has anyone else had this problem? And does anyone know if hormone levels of 145 are good or bad? I would be grateful for any advice. We are just hoping and praying that everything is going to be ok. But I don't think that the signs are very good.