I just need to vent.

I am having such a rough day today. My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 10 weeks back in July, and I have been extra emotional lately. My due date would have been February 13th, and it recently has been weighing on my mind. I went on to have a second miscarriage three months later, and lately, I've been spending so much time thinking about what might have been. If you asked me 9 months ago where I thought I would be right now, I would have never guessed this. It just makes me so angry wondering why? Why all of us here in this group? Why are we the ones that are made to suffer? It makes me feel like I must be a bad person or have done something to deserve this. It is so awful to think that some women can get pregnant so effortlessly, often times the ones who are the most ungrateful, while there are those of us jumping through every hoop and obstacle that many others don't have to in order to bring life into this world. It is just so unfair.