Natural supplements? Any suggestions?

My period started literally as I was getting into bed.
I'm beyond frustrated, been trying for over four years.
Since I don’t have the option of going back to my RE right now (insurance change has all my physicians out of network now, so I have to get a new PCP, GYN, Endo, RE, etc) I’m going to try going the all natural route for a few months until I can get another Clomid script. 
(Though I may have my husband see if we can beg one from our old RE tomorrow.)
So, if no Clomid for this month, it’s going to be as follows:

1) Vitex 1000mg/daily

2) Evening Primrose Oil

3) Cinnamon 

4) Fenugreek

5) CoQ10

6) Iron supplement

7) Folgard and Baby Asprin

8) Metformin 1500mg

9) Chromium
Anyone have any other suggestions? I’m starting to go crazy with this whole TTC thing after 4 years