Stressed!!! 😱😨

Why do men have to be such assholes?! I mean every god damn guy I have ever been with has been an ass! And I'm getting pretty fuckin sick of it! I always treat them like my king and in return I just get shit on. It seems to happen every time and idk how to change that.. I mean I guess I always just find the real jerks. But they always seem like such nice gentlemen until the newness wears off and they get comfortable, then forget it! I'm sick of being called every nasty name in the book and being put down all the time. I'm 24 years old and it's time I become my own boss and stop letting everyone walk all over me! Sorry this was so long and probably boring to most, but I just had to vent! I'm tired of feeling like nothing and crying all the time.. And what really hurts is it seems like no one cares at all.