I'm 25, still a child myself, just re enrolled in school, it's taking up all my time, with only 3 classes I'm way in over my feet. And now I'm pregnat!!! Not only do I still leave with my unloving parents (the energy at home is not that great) but I also got pregnant by a bum ex who never graduated high school and thinks it's cool being a gankster.. we ate not toghether anymore.. and if we where?? He doesn't have a job, he can't provide financially what good would he do?? And I just don't know.. should I keep the baby?? I'm scared, I don't know what to do, adoption is out of quastion and when I had some vaginal discharge that I thought could possibly be a miscarriage I was so scared I would lose the baby so I would ask God for help, to let it stay.. but when I think about it rationally is it really a good decision??? I have no support, I have no money I just don't know