
FarmWife 🌾 • 2015 👧🏼 2017 👼🏼👼🏼 2018 👧🏼 🌈 2020 👶🏼
I have been having a difficult time. Between sickness in our home and everyone catching it including all my daycare kids, my 7 month STILL not sleeping thru the night, can't do the cry it out method cause she is sick and that's wrong to me. My SO can't put her to sleep or comfort her at night she just screams. I am her attachment and as much as I love it I hate it too. All I want it a nights rest w/o interruption. She could spend the night elsewhere but I don't want that cause I know she'll cry. I'm protective 😔 since she's been sick I have to rock to sleep (all the time) & when I go to lay her down she cries. Ugh! Feeling wore out lately. Told my SO the only thing i want for Valentines Day is for him to take care of her for the entire night, let me sleep downstairs like I am not there and hom deal with her even though she cries for him.. I don't know why she does either. I  know it breaks his heart..