STRESS!!!!!!!! During pregnancy.

I have two children a year apart. They are constantly fighting if he wants it open she wants it closed. If he wants it up Stewart's it down. They are always yelling at each other hurting each other. It's literally fighting sun up to sun down. I am always yelling and SUPER stressed out. Normally husbands here to help but he's gone for training. So I'm dealing all alone. I AM 9 weeks pregnant. The last two months I can safely say have been the most stressful months I've had in years. I am so worried about how all this stress is affecting my baby. My hormones don't help either so it feels super stressful. I literally felt like I couldn't do it this evening. I've read stress can cause autism, birth defects, developmental problems etc. but other sites say it just affects the baby's ability to handle stress. anyone have any clue? I'm so worried because it's been a lot of stress.