6 w 2d couldnt see fetal pole

I went to the ER Friday for very light spotting. I was supposed to go for my first ultrasound that afternoon but they did one in the hospital. The ultrasound tech was horrible. I have a tilted uterus so it's hard to see in the first place. I had tears rolling down my face begging her to tell me something, anything and she looked at me and said I'm not loosing my job for you. The nurse was really nice and she said she had a blighted ovum with her last pregnancy.  The DR came in said stay in bed rest and follow up with my ob. Well the nurse cam back in and told me that she talked to the radiologist and it was a blighted ovum just like she had. She told me the sac was completely empty. My levels were at 23,400 and should be 100,000 at 6 weeks. So obviously I was devastated all weekend. I go see my ob and she says please don't go to the ER they know nothing. She said she got the ultrasound report and it has a visble yolk sac and the start of a fetal pole. Said numbers were going up and we would repeat the ultrasound Monday. Did anyone not see anything at the start of 6 weeks? I know it can happen especially with my tilted uterus. I'm not mad at the nurse I just don't know why she had to basically lie to me. My hcg is over 30,000 now I'm just waiting a long long wait until Monday