I'm afraid to lose my husband...

So,yesterday night I received two calls in a row and two messages from a man I play online games with (hubby knows we are playing together). I rejected them and was asked by my hubby who is calling. I was in kinda shock (I had this man number written in my phone) to receive calls from him that late (it was about 10 pm). And I didn't find anything to answer my hubby, I actually lied that was some man I exchanged things with some time ago. BUT. I had an address written down at his contact and hubby saw address and asked me, if he is that man. I'm disaster lier so I told him the truth - that that was he and I didn't know why he is calling me now. Hubby got upset because I lied him and much worser is that I'm pregnant and he told me "I can't argue with you because you are pregnant, but I don't trust you like I did before". I feel very guilty and refused to write this man on fb why he was calling, deleted his number and showed hubby my phone. This morning I wrote this man on fb and found out he wanted me to borrow him my account bc his is blocked. I resent this message to my hubby. And I know when I was at work, that hubby looked through my fb page. I understand him, he has 100% right to do this, but I afraid he don't believe me bc I deleted all messages from that man right before this situation bc we argued and I was over. So now I understand that I'm stupid bitch and could lose my hubby who I love to the moon and back and want him to forgive my lie someday that we would have a chance to raise our little boy, who is growing in me.