Am I wrong?

So over the past week me and my boyfriend, of 2 years, have bought a motorcycle (because he wanted it) and a new gaming system (for him). We talked about how we wanted to spend the extra money we had saved but decided if we got a motorcycle we weren't going to buy any other "fun" stuff. But of course he wanted it so he got it... The first system wouldn't read the disc at all so,he went to return it. While he was gone I turned on a show and when he returns with less than 10 minutes til the show was finished he just turns it off and begins hooking up his new system. It upset me so I went to our room for some alone time. Then he comes in wanting to know what was wrong with me. I EXPLODED! And everything I feel came out! This will sum it up... I want to feel special, I want little surprises. Do you know how bad it hurts to be a freaking florist and not even get a rose for Valentines Day? That was me last year! He has never bought me a small gift just because (and only once on my birthday. Never at Christmas!) I want to feel like our life is about more than just him sometimes. I love him being happy and getting things he wants but shouldn't he consider me too? AND THEN I told him how I feel like our relationship is going nowhere. I meant it I just wish I hadn't said it. When l asked where our relationship is going he pretty much said "we're taking it a day at a time". ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS?!?! WWE have a house together, 2 vehicles with BOTH of our names on them, we started trying for a baby for crying out loud!!! We aren't little kids, I'm almost 30 and he's 33... how long do you think it's gonna take until you know if we have a future? I'm hurt, and feel so inside. Am I wrong for wanting to these things?

Edit: When he basically told me we are taking it a day at a time, it was a complete shock to me! We have made so many plans for the future including a family and by telling him I feel like we're going nowhere, I was trying to tell him I want to start acting on our plans. AND THEN HE SAYS THAT? :'(