Why is he trying to control me?

I want to go out Friday night, to a dinner then to a club with my sister and some work friends. Once I made the plans I immediately asked my boyfriend if he wanted to go, he said no way. I was like ok? Then he tells me, it's not like you're going either... not without me. I think to myself, like hell i won't. I made other plans so I don't have to go to another coworkers kickback (which involves drinking and drugs) which I might add! THE ONE HE RATHER GO TO INSTEAD. He'd rather put cocaine up his nose than spend a nice afternoon with me. Anyways, he called me last night to ask if I talked to the other coworker(drugs) if he could come, I said yes but I said I want to go to the other event instead. He said he can't go to both cause he only has 40 for the kickback, so I said... that's how you prioritize? He's like yes. Then I said, fine I'm going to the dinner with or without you. *he hangs up on me* I'm beyond the point of confused and angry. I called back, forwarded, second call he's like What. Then he's like "so you're going with or without me? That shows the person you really are. A good girlfriend wouldn't go anywhere without her boyfriend. If they do, they lack morals and that's not the person I want to love." Then I said,"fine I don't want to go now"  By then I was crying, he kept asking why! He's like, "what's got you sad? That you can't go? Don't say you're not going because of me! Tell me why you don't want to go!" I said,"because I don't want to anymore" then he starts questioning me on everything. Asking,"answer this so I know who I'm loving". "I do love you, I am in love with you by why...?" "Sometimes you make selfish decisions, others are caring and loving" "if you ever go to a thing where you don't know anyone, don't ever talk to me again!"
I don't know what his problem is, he's allowed to go wherever he wants, talk to who he wants. But when it comes to me, I'm the immoral one, I'm the heartless and disgusting one! I can't even hang out with my coworker friends without him calling me the bad girlfriend. He's never met my coworkers and he wants to know who I hang out with. He brings up times where I went to hang out without him and he's like, "no girlfriend would do this EVER, it's not normal! If you think that's normal somethings wrong with you. Should I even go tomorrow? He made me feel like shit. He's like, no I want you to go, I accept that you go. I want you to go out and have fun. I'm like no, he killed it for me.