Sex after baby

So I had my daughter about 6-1/2 months ago. We had a very stressful start (NICU stay for 2 weeks then moving about 3 weeks after we got home from the hospital when my husband lost his job). But now we are settled and doing great. However I have not been in the mood for sex since my daughter was born. It was painful for the first few months and now it's somewhat back to normal. I'm breastfeeding so I know that can contribute. My husband and I have been having issues as well so I'm not exactly in the mood. Well the other day he had a day off from work so he was home with us. All day he was trying to talk me into having sex. I had stuff to do (taking care of the baby, cleaning house, taking care of our 2 dogs, etc) plus I wasn't in the mood so I politely said maybe later. Later in the day I had finally gotten the baby down all I wanted to do was sit down and eat. Of course he asks about having sex. I said I really just want to sit down for a minute and eat while she's content. He got so mad and said I should take that time while she was content and have sex with him and that because I keep putting him off that I don't care about him. He was yelling and wouldn't let me talk. I just took the baby in the bedroom and we didn't speak the rest of the night and haven't really spoken much since then. He has a temper so it's not the first time he's popped off at me. I'm just so over this. Sorry for the long post..I guess I just need to vent to someone 😔