
Sammy💗 • Married to my best friend! 2 boys here with us and a little girl in heaven. Baby Boy # 3 Arriving in April 💙💙
This isn't really pregnancy related but you pregnant ladies can understand my hormones right now!! My brother has been living with us for a year now and he's 18, mind set of a 12 year old and does nothing around this house unless you point out what has to be done. I've written down chores for him as well as my kids and who doesn't do them? The 18 year old!! He works at night 11pm-2am so I don't ask much of him! But being in my third trimester I need all the help I can get being high risk! Anyways, he lives in the basement so of course he can hear everything up here but it also doesn't mean we have to walk on egg shells either! He constantly bangs on the floor of the boys are being too loud for him, mind you he sleeps until 3-4pm so when they get home from school they do their homework and play video games since it's too cold for outside! He can't expect me to keep 2 boys completely still at 4 in the afternoon so he can sleep! Every Tuesday and Thursday my oldest sons friend comes home from school with him and her grandma meets her here with her little brother, he's 2. Well it was 3:00 and my brother was still asleep, the little boy gets up and starts walking around and my brother starts banging on the floor. I text him and tell him it's a waste of energy banging on the floor, there's a house full of kids and it's 3:00!!! Then just a little bit ago my youngest sons favorite song came on pandora and he starts dancing, well my brother is downstairs playing video games with his friend and he is non stop banging on the floor, louder then my son is even dancing!!! I texted him and said HES DANCING!!!! His response was "tell him to dance quieter" like are you kidding me?!?!? He hasn't done shit around this house today, he slept all day then woke up when his friend showed up and he thinks my kids have to walk on freakin cotton or something when he's in his room!!!! I don't let the kids go crazy when he's down there but then again I'm not gonna force them to sit down until he feels like coming out of his room and joining the rest of the family!! I say I need help around the house and I don't get it so continue banging on the floor telling my kids to be quiet while you sit on your ass and get high with friends and think I'm gonna listen? Right.