well I have a 9 month old daughter and I started seeing small symptoms that I had with my daughter

well I have a 9 month old daughter and I started seeing small symptoms that I had with my daughter. things like; getting motion sickness from video games (cause I am an avid gamer, and co-clan leader) I started getting hiccups alot, I burst into a laughing fit for about 30mins, and my dog kept fallowing me around and sleeping closer to me when she's normally closer to my husband. it was the small things that tipped me off but when I was pregnant with my daughter I had very low HCG levels and couldn't detect them on a home test til 2 months in, luckily this time I am 5 weeks along and found out today. I attacked my husband while he was sleeping this morning before his work alarms went off to tell him. we are both so excited and happy to be having someone our daughter can always play with and be friends with. :)