Need advice...

My fiancé lost his job at the end of November last year and it was a major blow to him and to us. We found out about a week earlier that we were pregnant. Since then he has gotten a dui and continues to drink and drinks to the point where I am worried sick about him at work because he's fallen down the stairs and out one of our open windows. Some nights he goes out with his cousins and ends up having to stay there due to his drinking. He hasn't found another one and seems to not be in a rush to do so. I have a great job and I have been paying for all the bills the past two months with no help from him. I moved about an hour and a half from my work and family to live with him about 2 years ago and no matter how many times I try to bring up how I feel or how much his drinking effects me he gets mad and doesn't want to talk or wants to leave the house. I am so lost and confused on my next move due to the fact that I love him and we are going to have a baby together but I am so tired of feeling alone and depressed and I wish he could see where I am coming from. My parents want me to move back with them and help out with the baby and sell my house. What would you do?