
I am confused. I just recently went off the pill due to a blood clot in my lungs - not TTC because I'm on blood thinners and doc said not to get pregnant on these meds. So my body is adjusting since I went off the pill mid cycle. I had my period Jan. 20-23 with spotting for the whole next week after. I went a few days without spotting then started having pelvic pain (no infection but assuming ovulation pain since my body is starting to ovulate again and I had same pain last time I went off birth contol). Pain lasted 5 days and finally stopped yesterday. I've been using 2 apps to prevent pregnancy and track my period (Glow and Fertility Friend). I've been paying more attention to Glow since I like it better, and glow says I am out of my fertility window. I didn't check fertility friend until this morning which says I am just starting my fertility window. DH and I had sex last night (used a condim) and I had this really sticky CM that I've never had before (tmi but almost the consistency of gak or a sticky rubbery glue clump). Which app do you think sounds more accurate? Do you think I am ovulating now or that I am done? Opinions please! :)