So my SIL is transgender (m to f)... I completely support her and so does the rest of our family. She currently lives with us because she started going to Grad school at the college near where we live. She has lived with her parents up until now (she's 24) and it's like she's never done anything for herself! And every little thing is starting to get on my nerves...
She copies everything thing I do to an extreme. My husband bought me an expensive eyeshadow palette, she bought one the next week, I drink coffee out of my Han Solo cup and all of a sudden that cup is her favorite. I crochet and she wants me to teach her. I sometimes meow at my cat and now my SIL won't stop meowing at my cat.... It seems like she went from living with her parents to us adopting her...
- she doesn't wash her own dishes, and when she does they are greasy and have to be re washed. And she never empties the dishwasher. 
- she doesn't buy her own food, and she eats things we tell her not to because they are for our work lunches and then claims to have not known or forgotten that they are for work.
- she will leave the empty box in the pantry...
- she never refills the Brita with water even though she is the one who empties it.
- anytime we eat out we have to ask her if she wants anything. She always does, and it's never what's on the value menu. AND we pay for it.
- if I make my husband a plate of leftovers to take for lunch the next day she will eat it even when we've told her that it's for his lunch. (There are other separate leftovers but his are all put into one container)
- she assumes that we know when her bathroom is out of toilet paper even though she is the only one who uses that bathroom (she stays in there so long 30+ minutes at a time so it's impossible to use when you have to go)
- she keeps her towels in her bedroom so they get missed when I'm doing laundry, and then complains that she has no towels/washcloths.
The main frustrating thing about the situation is that we are TTC. I was complaining that being a girl sucks sometimes - namely when periods occur... or don't occur and then last for literally a month... (No joke I've been bleeding since Jan. 15th... I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with PCOS and hypothyroidism.) She then went on with how she would have to disagree, that being a girl is the best... Bitch, no, Okay... When you cramp and bleed out of your vagina then you can disagree all you want to, but until then you have not fully experienced it and can NOT say that it's "the best". Learning that it's nearly impossible to get pregnant without medical treatment isn't a damn cakewalk either especially since  my best friend who was ttc her 3rd for 2 or 3 months just found out that she was pregnant.
I just wanted to scream at her! My husband gets aggravated at somethings too but mostly says that I'm overreacting because I'm stressed about ttc. I've talked to her about the cleaning expectations because we simply cannot do it all and she says that she will pick up her slack but continues not to. 
I know this isn't strictly a ttc rant but I really needed to vent because this has been the shittiest week! On top of all this bullshit, the payroll office at my job claims to not have received my clocked hours so I didn't get paid this week. Even though my temp agent could prove that I clocked my ours before their deadline. I won't get that paycheck until Monday at the earliest, Friday at the latest. So there goes our Valentine's Day plans! And someone in our department at work is stealing time so my boss has to sign off on everyone's time card. I am a temp associate not a full time employee. My boss is the one who called and ordered a temp BUT somehow it's my responsibility to know why he isn't getting emails regarding my time card. So I had to take care of that too. Even though that should have been between him and my temp agency. 
I just want to stay in my dark bedroom, cuddled with my husband cut off from the world... We can't even have sex because of my period situation. Which, the lack of intimacy really doesn't help my mood. If we spend too long in the bedroom after we get home from work he's afraid that my SIL will be suspicious that we are having sex... Are you fucking serious? It's our house! I can spend as much time anywhere that I want to! And have sex with my husband whenever we want to because we are married adults!
Just UGHHHHH.....
Thanks for letting me vent.