Slavery still effects African Americans today

🌊🌊 Venus 🌊🌊

While doing some research for an assignment, I came across this argument: "cause and effect are not closely related to time and space. Effects like drug abuse, unemployment, starving children, have underlying issues that's is most likely most responsible for generating symptoms which if recognized early could lead to lasting improvement."

Many people assume cause and effect are related closely to time and space. As we play as children problems are never far away from their solutions as long as at least we confine our play to one group of toys. When we become adults we believe the world works the same way. We tend to believe that a problem with drugs are directly linked to a person being addicted to them without anyone thinking of circumstances that may have taken place. This happens many times when people are hooked on prescription pain and recreational drugs.

The African American and poor communities are the same way. Many people seem to think that the problems in the black community are directly related to their personal failures. Not the oppressive systems that have held their ancestors, and even more recently their grand parents, mothers, and fathers back.

No one gets mad a drug addict for seeking help/therapy to overcome their drug addiction. Would you blame them soley for their addiction to drugs when you know prescriptions drugs for pain were reason for their addiction. What do you think would happen if someone did do what I previously mentioned (I personally think they would lash out at you and I think that's where the black community is or is heading). What If more people were willing to come together to identify a solution instead of being offended by people asking for help?

I would like to hear some sensible, respectful opinions on the flaws of my thinking to help me to either build on my opinion based on any flaws that are expressed here or deter me from this opinion to help me form a more constructive one.

👿👿👿👿👿👿I'm not looking for everyone to agree on this help me form an opinion that is the least flawed or deter me from this opinion please👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿 (put this here because I want this to stand out and I know this is the only thing most people will read lol)