Dad's rights

I am from Salt Lake City, Utah originally. I am currently a proud Nevadan, but I'm watching some things go on that make me sick in the state in which I was born. In the last year, there have been two instances where a mom (with dad's name on the birth certificates), has adopted out their baby without his consent. 
     In both of these cases, the dad was responsible, and told the mothers prior to adoption that they would take the babies, demand no child support, and simply love and take care of their children. There was no force, they didn't try to force adoption or abortion on the mothers, and in bother cases the moms chose to carry these babies full-term. 
     These mothers are being protected by the state after totally ignoring the rights of the fathers, even after it was established that they were the father. This is now happening to a close friend of mine, who is one of the most responsible and loving people I've ever met.  What are your thoughts? I think that if these dads wanted to take responsibility for their children, regardless of intervention from the mother, they should have been given the opportunity before adoption was ever discussed.