
Kayce • Hello :) I'm a FTM expecting my daughter Lilah to arrive June 10th
What bottles did you/baby like best? Me and my mom registered last week and there were so many bottles and we had no idea what to get! I'm going to be breast feeding (or trying to) for about 2 months before I go back to classes. 
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My son only uses tommee tippee bottles. He has a good latch on those and I tried a different brand out of necessity and he wouldn't even take it! Every baby is different.I would suggest buying one of a couple and seeing what works for baby. I would hate for you to buy a bunch of one kind and they not be a good fit.


Daisy • Feb 14, 2016
Awww.. We bought a entire playtex bottle gift set and my son didn't even like it.. He was breastfed for 2 months... I tried about 5-6 different other brand and the only brand he ended up liking was the Lansinoh bottles


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Tommee Tippee and Comotomo are rated high for babies that breastfeed without nipple confusion. But it also depends on what your baby likes, so don't stock up on any one particular brand. Get a couple from a few brands to see what baby will like first. 


Ko00021 • Feb 19, 2016
Was just about to say the same thing


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Dr Browns. I have quite a lot so I just got a dishwasher bottle holder thing. I take the bottles apart and toss the small parts into the dishwasher basket, close it up and throw it into the dishwasher and then just clean out the bottles 👌🏻


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Dr. Browns is what my sister used and what we will be using hopefully any day now!! 


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All my friends told me it depends on the baby. Some babies are picky some aren't. I got a few different kinds just in case, but I plan to breast feed. 


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Dr Browns.


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Avent naturals


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We did dr Browns and Mam. Our daughter didn't breastfeed and dr Browns worked great but our son does and well my boobs are more sideways oval and the mam nipple is closer to my shape so it worked great with him. Look at your nipple (note you sandwich it for them to latch) and then look at bottle nipples...get one close to yours for an easier and less gassy latch.


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I started with dr Browns, then mam & finally stuck with avent... But I changed bottles because my son had trouble sucking.... Highly recommend dr Browns, mam & avent!!! I think I'm sticking to dr Browns with my baby girl... Hope this helps narrow down your options.... Good luck mama


Kayce • Feb 13, 2016
Thank you!