I really wanted to share this in case others feel this way too. I feel like when you Google pcos or read blogs, the suggestion is always a particular diet and losing weight. For some sufferers, weight gain/excess weight is an issue. For others it is not. There are many people who work out regularly and eat healthy and still have pcos, being of average, under, and over weight. I am in complete support of healthy lifestyle changes in an effort to combat the symptoms of pcos and I am making changes also. However, in my journey I sometimes feel put down, like this is somehow my fault. I ate the wrong things, I didn't work out enough. No one in my family has pcos that I know of, so what did I do to give this to myself? I'm not overweight, but I have the feeling this is worse for women who are. So I wanted to share this article suggesting that pcos is an ancient disease, stemming from a time when people were hunters and gatherers. This was before people ate processed food with tons of added sugar. I believe you can develop pcos and the article also suggests that, but I also believe that some things just are. So if you are like me and feel guilty for having pcos, you shouldn't! Though I am completely in support of trying to change your habits to better deal with this beast!


The article is pcos: an ancient disorder? Azziz, et. al